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Port code:

Seaports code: JP SAN

SAN ¹áÀ »°Ëܾ¾


International Port Code
CountryCodePort nameLocation
AR SAN Santa Ana Google Maps
AZ SAN Sangachal Google Maps
BE SAN Sint-Andries Google Maps
BH SAN Sanad Google Maps
BO SAN Santiváñez Google Maps
BR SAN Santana
CA SAN Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures Google Maps
CH SAN Stans
CN SAN Shiwan Google Maps
CR SAN San Ignacio de Acosta Google Maps
DE SAN Sandhausen
ES SAN San Adrian
FI SAN Sandö (Santasaari) Google Maps
FR SAN Saint-Alban-de-Roche Google Maps
GB SAN Sandbach
GU SAN Santa Rita Google Maps
HN SAN Santa Rita Google Maps
ID SAN Sanang, Celebes
IE SAN Santry/Dublin Google Maps
IM SAN Santon Google Maps
IN SAN Sangrur Google Maps
IR SAN Sahlan
IS SAN Sandgerdi
IT SAN Sandigliano
JM SAN Sandy Bay Google Maps
JP SAN Sanbonmatsu
KR SAN Sinan-gun Google Maps
LU SAN Sanem
ML SAN San Google Maps
MX SAN Nextlalpan Google Maps
NL SAN Sint Annaparochie Google Maps
NO SAN Skaun
PH SAN Santa Ana/Aparri
PT SAN Sangalhos Google Maps
PY SAN San Antonio
SE SAN Sandviken
TH SAN Sam Phran Google Maps
TT SAN San Juan/Port-of-Spain Google Maps
US SAN San Diego Google Maps
VU SAN Santo
ZA SAN Sandhurst Google Maps


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